De Woonpas works with councils to fully unburden homeowners in making their homes more sustainable through the Council Sustainability Scheme (GVR).

De Woonpas
The Woonpas helps homeowners make their homes more sustainable without financial barriers. Through the Council Sustainability Scheme (Gemeentelijke VerduurzamingsRegeling, GVR), they can have energy-saving measures such as insulation, HR glass and solar panels carried out without having to invest or take out a loan first. De Woonpas guides homeowners from home inspection to subsidy application, with the aim of maximum sustainability without increasing monthly costs.
For councils, De Woonpas offers a completely worry-free process for the implementation of GVR, from decision-making to implementation. By working with experienced installers and using only A-brand materials with recognised quality marks, De Woonpas guarantees high-quality sustainability with long-term guarantees.
Together with strategic partner AutoBinck Group, De Woonpas is working on large-scale sustainability of private homes, with the aim of a sustainable future for all.